Friday, August 28, 2009

This goes out to the overseas Earnests

In response to a comment Anne made on her blog these are some pictures of a typical, unblog-worthy day at the Earnests':

I know it's not entirely safe, but Jonas likes to pour his macaroni in when we made mac n' cheese for lunch so here's the 3 year old cooking.

After a rousing game of Life with Mattie and Lauren, Quinn is left to clean up...

while the girls are off to swim with one of their friends who has moved to another school this year. Please note the bags they are sporting - one of the projects they insisted I help them make. They did a great job on them!.

Some vegetables harvested from our garden.

When Sam is not outside running around with friends, he is usually on the computer working on a stop motion film. I've lost count of how many he's made this summer, usually with the help of a cousin or friend. They are very creative - I'll have to see if I can post one of them.

And I finished this blanket for Andy and Heather's new baby, Cashlynn. (Heather says Andy is already looking for a horse to buy for her.)

So I hope you've enjoyed spending the day with us. I edited out all complaints, fights, and any teasing that may have occurred.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Sweet Boy

Today I was feeling frustrated by all of the kids needing something. I felt like I was going from one person's problem to another's. This has been the theme of my summer really. And this week I only have four children, but four is still a lot and they all still need things from me. Every one of them, every second of the day. So I'm sitting in the front room feeling the frustration (and it doesn't help that I just poked a needle into my thumbnail) when Jonas comes in. He says to me, "I'm going to play the piano, mommy. The music will make you happy." And it did. I felt like someone wanted to take care of my needs - who cares that it was the 3 year old or that he's been a fourth of the frustration all day. He made me happy while he played the piano for me.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fredericksburg, Virginia

We spent a great ten days in Virginia and now, after 3 cars, 2 planes, 3 airports, countless bathrooms, and 18 hours, we are finally home. The older I get the more I appreciate the history surrounding the town I grew up in. Fredericksburg is replete with Civil War-era buildings and battlefields. We, of course, had to drag the kids downtown to walk around.

Even though it was hot and humid.

A slave auction block still stands on the corner of Charles Street and William Street.

And since it is a tourist town souvenirs usually have a Civil War theme.

I noticed that Carl's is now on the historic register. It really should be a national landmark - the best ice cream in the world.

Here Quinn has found some purses. On one of our trips into a craft/bazaar store she found a room full of purses and spend a good 15 minutes trying every one of them on.

One day we had lunch at Five Guys - our first time there. Delicious.

I also went to my 20-year high school reunion. It was interesting to see how people have changed. Some were friendlier, some had come out of their shells (although the open bar could have factored in), some had changed very little, and some were more of what they used to be. I found that the people I really liked and respected in high school I still like and respect and those that I was unimpressed by 20 years ago, I am still unimpressed by. I don't know if that says something about me or about them. There were a handful of people I was really glad to see and visit with and they made it worth going. And Chris was a good sport to come with me and spend 4 hours watching me catch up with old friends - thanks, C!

Coming up next...our trip to Virginia Beach. (I know you can't wait.)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Day at the Museum

Publish Post

Yesterday we took the train into DC and spent the day in the city. Here are a few favorite pictures from the day.

Honestly, we had a great day.