Friday, May 29, 2009

A Memorable Memorial Day

We were invited to spend Memorial Day with friends and family at Whit and Loretta Swan's ranch. Their property is beautiful and full of entertainment for all the kids.

Loretta raises lambs and she has a few that have to be bottle-fed. Quinn and Jonas got to feed the lambs. This was a highlight of their day.

There is an old pioneer cemetery on the property. It is a tradition to hike the mile or so out to the cemetery and clean it up.

Along the way someone found a nasty-looking lizard that the kids felt it necessary to hold...

Some of us pulled weeds...

while others 'supervised'. :)

One of the best things about days like this is that everyone in our family has fun together. It's not easy to find activities that make everyone happy from the youngest to the oldest, the girls and the boys, and even mom and dad.

Sam was so busy entertaining himself that we hardly saw him. But we did capture one picture of him riding the 4-wheeler. (Just so you don't think I'm crazy for putting my 3 year old on a dangerous machine operated by a 12 year old, Loretta's rule is that they go below 10 mph. Sam and his friend Spencer were very responsible with the little ones.)

Every little boy's dream - mud to play in. (He only fell in a couple of times.)

It was a flippin' great day! Good food, good friends, good fun.

Monday, May 18, 2009


May seems to be our month of celebration. We say happy birthday to Quinn, Jonas, Grandma LaRue, Grandma Lark and Andy. Throw in Mothers Day for all the moms and we've had a full two weeks. Lots of cake and ice cream, wrapping paper, flowers, and family. Here are a few pictures from the fun.

Quinn turned 6 on May 7.
Happy Birthday Sunshine.

Jonas celebrated three years on May 12. The day was capped with a trip downtown to watch the trucks and tractors working.

On Sunday, the whole family got together at Jann and Alan's place to celebrate all the birthdays. Everyone was there...

Jenny and Ben (or Benny and Jen...that works too)

Dad...Grandpa Steve (very dapper)

Heather and Andy (happy bday Andy) and baby will make three

My Spring Chicks
(Happy Birthday're the best)

Fireman Jared and Christine

more Spring chicks (happy Birthday Grandma LaRue)

President Monson even showed up....he led the singing of "Happy Birthday" was really cool.

Many gifts were opened. Jonas kinda stole the show...or at least the camera.

A new galloping stick horse he named Bullseye.

New Spidyman PJs

...and Starburst candy from guess who?

On the drive home, Sam shot this pic from the car window.... nice eye Sam.

