Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cross Country

Sam's been running cross country again this year. He has managed to improve his time every meet except one. This last week he cut a minute off his time! (I told him if he pushed himself as hard as he could he could have ice cream and watch TV all evening - he's not the only one who can manipulate (uhh...motivate) others).

Coming down the homestretch:

Thursday, October 22, 2009


With our school budget cuts we have gone to a four day school week this year. (And let's hope it's only this year.) After several Fridays with bored children, I decided last Friday to take the kids to the Hood River, OR area to pick apples. Don't they look beautiful?

We visited three orchards - this one doubled as a pumpkin patch complete with a corn maze and beautiful views.

The Gala apple trees were getting pretty bare where we could reach so I hefted Sam onto my shoulders so we could get to the best of the apples.

Mattie very kindly acted as our photographer for the day. She's great with the camera, but of course there are very few pictures of her.

We found a fort which made Jonas very excited.

Everyone was happy, the weather was beautiful and the apples are delicious!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Running at church

Yesterday Jonas was running down the hall after church when someone came out of the gym. He hit the door and split his forehead open. I guess he's not Superman after all.

After spending a couple of hours in the ER, he was feeling much better! (The trick to not having to wait at the ER is to carry a screaming, bloody child in!) Thank you to some very good friends who took the other kids home and fed them. Here is Jonas "fixing" daddy's head: