Monday, December 27, 2010

Images of Christmas

Here are a few of our favorite photos from the Christmas week.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Lots has been happening at the Earnest's this month. First, Chris turned 40! Unfortunately, it landed on his busiest day of the week, and it wasn't until the next day he was able to open his presents. We also celebrated with friends that weekend - good food and good company. Happy Birthday, Chris!

A visit from the Batten's for Thanksgiving is always fun. This year while the mom's went shopping on Black Friday, the dad's took the kids to the Painted Hills.

They also explored an old abandoned mine.

Then the twins turned 12!!

I can't believe they're 12!! They opened presents after a yummy breakfast of croissant french toast topped with strawberries. They got new boots and Just Dance 2 for the Wii. We've all had fun showing off our dance moves - and it's just as fun to sit and watch all of them dancing in unison.

It's been a good month and we are thankful for a happy and healthy family, for caring friends, and for the gospel of Jesus Christ that brings meaning and purpose to our lives. Happy November!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Wedding

I know it's been a few weeks, but since it was so much fun let's relive the memories....

Congratulations, Chelsea and Taylor!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It seems like I blinked and October was over! Here are a few things we've been up to. Sam, Mattie and Lauren all decided to run cross country for Obsidian Middle School. This was a new experience for the girls and I was proud of them for pushing themselves every day at practice and working to improve their times at meets. This was Sam's third year running and he and his friends had fun together. We'll see if he decides to continue cross country in high school.

Sam earned his Life rank in the Scouting program.

Jonas helped me make Halloween cookies -

Tasty looking aren't they?

I'm not a huge fan of several traditional Halloween activities, carving pumpkins being one of them. I had this great idea this year. While the kids were at school and Jonas was distracted by some highly educational activity (okay, it was the TV, I admit it. I'm not proud of it but it worked), I cleaned out the inside of the pumpkins. The pumpkins sat in the sink and the guts went directly into the garbage. It was fast and not too messy. Then that evening I presented empty pumpkins to the kids to carve. It was brilliant! Some of them are old enough to carve them by themselves - we didn't even have to help!

The finished products - a BOO carved out and


I got to go to Jonas' preschool party this year, so I dressed up with him. (Thank you, Charlie, for loaning Jonas your Luigi costume - he loves it!)

The ward Trunk-or-Treat was our next event. I graciously let Chris use the Mario costume for this party. I don't think Jonas took the Luigi costume off the whole day. Quinn came home from school and turned into a vampire princess.

Mattie and Lauren had two parties over the weekend. We snapped a quick picture before they headed off. Mattie is an artist and Lauren is dressed up in the sophisticated fashion of 1984!

Bring on November - let the birthdays and holidays begin!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of School!

Or more accurately, sometime during the first week of school because mom kept forgetting to take pictures. There's just so much to do in the morning!

Sam started 8th grade - his last year of middle school

Mattie and Lauren started 6th grade - their first year of middle school

Quinn started 2nd grade - her first year in school without her siblings, but with a bonus of going to a brand new school that is just down the street from our house!

Jonas started preschool!