Monday, October 19, 2009

Running at church

Yesterday Jonas was running down the hall after church when someone came out of the gym. He hit the door and split his forehead open. I guess he's not Superman after all.

After spending a couple of hours in the ER, he was feeling much better! (The trick to not having to wait at the ER is to carry a screaming, bloody child in!) Thank you to some very good friends who took the other kids home and fed them. Here is Jonas "fixing" daddy's head:


  1. Yikes! Poor Jonas. Glad he is doing better:)

  2. Oh poor Jonas! John says, "oh no, what happened to Jonas?" He still loves seeing his pictures...I think they're bonded forever. John fell last night and has a cut right between his eyes. Not as bad as Jonas, but they kind of match. Hope he gets better they think it will leave a scar?

  3. Do you think it means he finally learned the lesson to never run in church?!

    That's pretty dramatic. He seems slightly unphased.

  4. Did he get needle and thread stitches or liquid stitches?
    Reminds me of a similar picture I have of Luke at 4 with a big knot on his forhead in the same spot and two black eyes.
    It's just one of the many joys of parenthood.

  5. Since we got home from the hospital on Sunday evening Jonas hasn't complained once about his head. Resilient little boy. To answer all of your questions and comments:

    Jonas LOVES John and still talks about him all of the time. The dr. seemed to think the scar would be pretty minimal, but we'll see, I guess. He may never have a career as a cover model.

    No, I don't think he learned his lesson as he still has to run everywhere. And as soon as we got home from the hospital he tried to put on some roller skates.

    And yes, needle and thread. He did great though. He had fallen asleep and was still pretty out of it when the dr started stitching. Then he yelled a few times, "Dad, stop it!" (They had his face covered mostly.) The last stitch he was starting to get mad. He gets the stitches out tomorrow if all looks well.
